Mayfly II

To lose myself is too much a price

No compromise

At a cliché arrival: who am I?

Prophetically: another Mayfly.

If I cry myself to sleep tonight

Tomorrow the sun will still rise

If I commit suicide or my heart stops

There will be birds across the sky—as another day just went by.

Prophetically: another Mayfly.

What I liked, what I’ve done—nothing matters.

They look up for five seconds, then forget.

Tell them David; all dark blue and lifeless.

Tonight I have no solution; no forgiveness.

Tonight I die the thousandth time alone

Every night is a small death

Every day reincarnated.

Listen to the heartbeat of a Mayfly.


Pluviophile n. A lover of rain; someone who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days.


There is sadness in raindrops tapping on umbrellas– ecstacy in their bounce

Moistened soil covering graves adorned by funerary crowns.

It plundered and screeched at the funeral.

But now, in damp darkness– it’s at peace.

Candles’ heat, mourners’ tears

Echoes of nails hammered in the coffin.

We lived in a different world

The same time, a different space

A new type of monstrous people; barbarians so strange to us

Giving way to philosophy.

I start again and live another life

Every time it rains.

  • “The only journey is the one within” -Rilke

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